Running parallel with the numerous needs of my son were my own needs as a creative person. I needed an outlet through which those juices could flow. My ongoing fascination with textiles, solidly reinforced by all the extraordinary textiles I had had the privilege of working with as a designer, set my focus on weaving and fiber.
I am 4th of 4 children and humor was the way I got attention as a child. My brother, one slot up, was very sharp witted and wry, so I had to compete with his humor. Good training ground I guess. Now I'm brave enough, old enough, and confident enough to not be offended if people can't appreciate my humor.
Just so you know. . . I have a not-so-latent wish to live on a 'gentleman's farm', where all the hard work is done by others and I just get to ride my favorite horse (yes, I still love horses, just never had one to myself) before coming in for a big breakfast of pancakes, bacon and fresh scrambled eggs gathered just that morning, done up by Cook (the person that does all the cooking)! After breakfast, I go to my rebuilt barn that is now my lofty studio, which has several distinct areas set up for each of my interests of pottery, woodcarving and turning, sculpture and welding, and most of all, weaving. If I had that I know I would have died and gone to heaven!

I think my position in the Interior Design world gave me many opportunities to rub elbows with some important people to the design world. I had the good fortune to speak with Kaffe Fassett
"Forever Diamonds"
He is an incredible fiber artist!
"Pinwheel Tablecloth"
He does breathtaking work!
"Jewel Squares Patchwork"
My interest in him is his masterful work with color!
"Liberty Mariner's Compass"
My focus in my studies while at the University of MN was color and how it influences us in our daily living. It is amazing how, as designers, we can psychologically influence people and even manipulate their behavior through color! Color is able to stimulate people or help in calming people down; color can be used to create a feeling of happiness or gloom; or be used to create feelings of chaos and tension. I teach classes on color theory at the Textile Center, and I could, and often do, go on and on about color!!While designing interiors I had copious opportunities to explore textiles at length. The fabrics that are out there are so incredibly beautiful, using all kinds of materials, from plastics and paper to metal and mirrors, to achieve a certain look and function. Very inspiring stuff!! I also had the opportunity to meet Jack Lenor Larsen a couple of years ago.
Jack Lenor Larsen: Cumulus, 1991
He is a world renowned textile designer. He is a brilliant designer and someone who inspired me to pursue my passion of textiles
Jack Lenor Larsen: Onward!, 1997
I was very fortunate to have been able to have conversations with Mr. Larsen! Not often is it that one gets to have a sit-down with an icon! It was awe-inspiring!
Jack Lenor Larsen: Laotian Ikat, 1972
His knowledge is so broad and detailed! I can only dream of coming close to a fraction of of the knowledge that he has about textiles!
Jack Lenor Larsen/Cowtan and Tout, Inc.: Hologram Leaves, 1990
So that is what I'm doing now. Just pursuing my passion! It's pretty great! The future has some wonderful things waiting for me to just catch up. That's where I'm heading.
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