V ä v a! V e v e! weaving cloth one thread at a time

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Selvedge Magazine and me . . . we're like 'THAT'

 Every once in a while something really fun and unexpected happens!  Back at the beginning of 2011, I received an email from Polly Leonard.  Polly Leonard is the editor of "Selvedge Magazine", a magazine published in the UK.  In their 'About' section online they describe the magazine as follows:  "Selvedge is a design-led, 100 page, bi-monthly magazine that covers every facet of textiles – interiors, fashion, art, craft, travel and shopping – in an intelligent and inspiring way.  Founded in 2003 the magazine revolutionised the way textiles are presented and quickly became the world’s leading textile publication. Six times a year we cover textiles made with time, thought and skill in a magazine produced in exactly the same way – with quality writing, stunning photography and original illustration. Focusing on textiles doesn’t mean we turn our back on the rest of the world... the exact opposite is true. We see the world though a textile lens but cast our eye far and wide looking for links between our subject and achievements in other fields from architecture to archeology. More flexible than other textile magazines – Selvedge fits seamlessly into a creative lifestyle."

Sounds pretty awesome, huh?!  Well, Polly Leonard wrote to me asking if they could mention Väva! Veve! in their magazine.  As far as I was concerned, they didn't even have to ASK!  And could I please have 2 MILLION copies?!!  Polly explained that she had been perusing Etsy.com and she wanted to feature her favorites!  So, I picked myself up off the floor, and wrote back saying that of course she could and what did she need from me.  We worked all that out, but you know?  I never mentioned it in my blog~

So here is Editor Polly Leonard's Etsy faves featured in Selvedge Magazine!  I'm #11!  Wheeze! Cough!  Snort!!

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